Budgeting season is on the horizon. Is your budgeting and forecasting software up to the task? If you dread the business budgeting process, now is the time to evaluate your software options. Consider these factors as you review enterprise budgeting software:
Departmental Budgeting
Your company can empower its managers to create their own departmental budgets. Whether managers build new budgets, or the accounting team provides historical data as a starting point, integrated budgeting software lets managers participate in the budget process.
Everything on one screen
Budgeters need access to relevant financial data as they work through the budgeting process. Being able to drill-down to distributions, see invoice images, and review attached notes on the budgeting screen provides the business context that budgeters need to make wise decisions.
Integrated with GL
Using spreadsheets to budget outside your accounting system can be time-consuming. You also lack insight into the effect that different scenarios could have on your bottom line. Having budgeting tools integrated into the general ledger lets budgeters see the impact of budgeting decisions in real-time.