SBS’ integrated suites offer all the tools necessary to track and manage your company’s financial performance in a single system. The system is straightforward to set-up, customize, and navigate. The interface with other software is seamless and requires no additional programming.
All-In-One System
One benefit of integrated accounting software is that it scales easily – you can’t outgrow it! The SBS system lets you add functionality and users as your accounting needs change. Start with Financials. When growth requires a move to in-house Payroll or procurement software, it’s an easy to add to your system.
Easy Set Up
Our team works with you through the implementation process to get you up and running quickly. Set up is easy because it uses a point-and-click process. Ditto for customizing the system to your workflows.
Navigating the System
Our philosophy is to make daily accounting activities easy to do. Navigating the system is logical and efficient allowing you to accomplish more in less time. When you need it, extended functionality is just a click away.
We live in the horizontal accounting software world. We know the challenges of interfacing with software in other parts of your business. Our software eliminates that painful process.
Sound good? Request a demo.